Mar 14, 2016
Research + News
View by Topic:
- Academic Performance (40)
- Accountability (51)
- Addiction (161)
- Adolescent Development (162)
- Advertising (35)
- Alcohol (10)
- Anonymity (32)
- Anxiety (58)
- Apex Legends (2)
- Apps (246)
- Artificial Intelligence (3)
- Beauty (25)
- Blue Light (1)
- Body Image (58)
- Books (18)
- Boundaries (99)
- Brain Development (40)
- Bullying (55)
- Celebrity (32)
- Cell Phones (118)
- Cheating (1)
- Church (5)
- College (17)
- Comics (1)
- Coronavirus (63)
- Crime (7)
- Culture (8)
- Curating (13)
- Cyberbullying (105)
- Cybersecurity (6)
- Dating (29)
- Death and Loss (10)
- Deconstruction (1)
- Deepfakes (2)
- Depression (73)
- Digital Citizenship (306)
- Digital Distraction (48)
- Digital Footprint (87)
- Digital Music (7)
- Digital Natives (73)
- Digital Screen (205)
- Digital Self-Harm (6)
- Digital Technology (247)
- Discernment (11)
- Discord (5)
- Distracted Driving (18)
- Divorce (2)
- Drugs (5)
- Eating Disorders (11)
- Education (89)
- Email (8)
- Emojis (7)
- Empathy (5)
- eSports (28)
- Exercise (14)
- Facebook (151)
- Faith (10)
- Families (73)
- Fathers (1)
- Finances (20)
- FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) (10)
- Fortnite (18)
- Fraud (2)
- Friendship (21)
- Gambling (4)
- Gamification (12)
- Gen Z (28)
- Generational Gap (12)
- Girls (18)
- Google (13)
- Grandparents (2)
- Hacking (1)
- Health (59)
- Homework (9)
- Identity (95)
- Influencers (29)
- Instagram (145)
- Internet (257)
- Internet of Things (4)
- iPad (5)
- iPhone (4)
- Jobs (5)
- Kik (3)
- Language (2)
- LGBTQ Issues (5)
- Loneliness (32)
- Marketing (80)
- Marriage (2)
- Media (116)
- Media Discernment (27)
- Memes (2)
- Mental Health (135)
- Messaging (6)
- Meta (3)
- Metaverse (3)
- Military (2)
- Millennials (60)
- Minecraft (2)
- Mobile (62)
- Morals (3)
- Mothers (6)
- Multitasking (25)
- Music (38)
- Music Videos (7)
- Narcissism (6)
- Netflix (26)
- News/Current Events (15)
- NFTs (1)
- Objectification (1)
- Online Gaming (27)
- Online Learning (13)
- Online Privacy (112)
- Online Safety (175)
- Online Shopping (14)
- Online Threats (46)
- OnlyFans (1)
- Oversharing (21)
- Pandora (5)
- Parenting (284)
- Pastors (2)
- Periscope (2)
- Photos (103)
- Piracy (4)
- Plagiarism (1)
- Play/Outdoors (7)
- Podcasts (1)
- Popularity (5)
- Pornography (149)
- PS4 (1)
- Puberty (1)
- Race (1)
- Racism (2)
- Radio (4)
- Reading (20)
- Relationships (92)
- Revenge Porn (3)
- Risky Behavior (31)
- Sadfishing (1)
- Safety (11)
- School (18)
- School Shootings (1)
- Schools (34)
- Search (8)
- Self-fabrication (20)
- Self-Harm (6)
- Selfies (47)
- Sex Ed (2)
- Sex Trafficking (7)
- Sexting (68)
- Sextortion (8)
- Sexual Abuse (20)
- Sexual Consent (3)
- Sexual Harassment (16)
- Sexual Trafficking (4)
- Sexuality (80)
- Shame (1)
- Sharenting (1)
- Sleep (44)
- Smart Speakers (2)
- Smartphones (298)
- Snapchat (95)
- Social Communication (157)
- Social Media (416)
- Social Networking (132)
- Sports (6)
- STDs (1)
- Streaming Music (13)
- Streaming Video (75)
- Stress (13)
- Studying (4)
- Substance Abuse (11)
- Suicide (52)
- Summer Camp (2)
- Tablets (42)
- Tech Gadgets (61)
- Technology (116)
- Teen Slang (12)
- Television (68)
- Terrorism (2)
- Text Messaging (59)
- Texting (76)
- Texting While Driving (18)
- Theft (1)
- TikTok (129)
- Tinder (11)
- Trends (32)
- Truth (7)
- Tumblr (16)
- Tweens (2)
- Twitch (16)
- Twitter (48)
- Uber (1)
- Uncategorized (3)
- Unplugging (55)
- Vaping (3)
- Video (93)
- Video Games (217)
- Vine (3)
- Violence (22)
- Viral (25)
- Virtual Reality (4)
- Wearables (1)
- Web Filters (20)
- Writing (1)
- Yellow (2)
- Young Adults (12)
- Youth Ministry (6)
- YouTube (128)