Google Wants To Finish Your Sentences. That’s A Problem.
Google recently announced it will bring its Smart Compose feature from Gmail over to Google Docs. What will that mean for language? Read the article here.
Google recently announced it will bring its Smart Compose feature from Gmail over to Google Docs. What will that mean for language? Read the article here.
Our society is addicted to spectacle. How do we keep our eyes are fixed on Christ? Read a review of a new book from Tony Reinke, titled Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age, by clicking here.
Culture shock can be an instigator of change. Read the blog post here.
Pornhub is already the biggest porn distribution platform ever, but now it wants to become a brand that anyone would talk about out loud, and just maybe, someday, wear on a T-shirt. Read the article here.
Researchers from the University of Plymouth discovered risky social media posts are not just due to impulsivity, but might be a deliberate strategy to fit in with the wider social media culture that makes people believe ‘it’s the right thing to do’. Read the article here.
With our culture and technology evolving at alarming rates, how is our language keeping up? Read the article here.
Some 92% of children have a digital footprint by the age of 2, and now, most adults believe digital technology and the Internet are ruining childhood, according to Havas Worldwide’s “New Dynamics of Family” report. Read the article here.
CPYU President Walt Mueller is interviewed on the License to Parent radio show with Trace Embry. Listen to the interview here.