Teen Drivers Often Unsafe On The Road With Speeding And Handheld Cellphone Use
Study finds teen drivers speed on 40% of road trips; text on 30% of road trips. Read the article here.
Study finds teen drivers speed on 40% of road trips; text on 30% of road trips. Read the article here.
Those who used cellphones while behind the wheel were more likely to report other risky driving behaviors such as speeding, aggressive passing and running red lights. Read the article here.
When laws that ban teenage drivers in the United States from texting, using hands-held phones and engaging in other distracted behavior are implemented, they work. Read the article here.
Nearly 40 percent of teen drivers in the United States say they text while driving, a new survey finds. Read the article here.
Rookie teenage drivers have long been seen as the worst motorists on the road, but now there’s evidence that their older cousins – millennials – may be the most reckless people behind the wheel.
Read the article here.
Increasing concerns about adolescents behind the wheel have vaulted injury prevention to the top priority in this local community. Read the article here.
According to new research conducted by Liberty Mutual Insurance and SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), while 27 percent of teens today still report texting and driving, a bigger concern is that two out of three teens (68 percent) admit to using apps while driving. Read the article here.
The numbers show what an uphill climb we, as parents, have ahead of us as we stress the dangers of texting while driving to our teens. Fifty-five percent of young-adult drivers, in a survey by Online Schools, said it was easy to text and drive, while 34% of teens said they have texted while behind the wheel. Read the article here.
In a U.S. study using in-car video recorders, more than three-quarters of rear end collisions involving a teen driver happened when the teen was paying attention to a phone, a passenger or something else other than the road. Read the article here.
About 10 percent of the 32,675 traffic fatalities in 2014 involved distracted driving, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Read the full article here.