Under Employers’ Gaze, Gen Z Is Biting Its Tongue On Social Media
Only about 1 in 10 teenagers say they share personal, religious or political beliefs on social media, according to a recent survey from Pew Research Center. Read the article here.
Only about 1 in 10 teenagers say they share personal, religious or political beliefs on social media, according to a recent survey from Pew Research Center. Read the article here.
From making their own games, to broadcasting live online, to playing professionally in packed stadiums – how entrepreneurs in their teens and twenties earn a living on video games. Read the article here.
Programs that educate and engage teens in the coding arts are multiplying substantially. Read the full story here.
68% of mobile phone users take their devices to bed with them. Read the full story here.
Study shows that companies have rejected 1 in 10 people between ages 16 and 34 because of something the person shared on social media. Read the full article here.