Research + News | Topic: Alcohol

Social Media Use Puts Teens At Risk Of Developing Drug And Alcohol Issues

New research has found adolescents who are active on social media are being exposed to content that could put them at risk of developing drug and alcohol issues. Read the article here.

Young Drivers Talking On Smartphones More Likely To Run Red Lights, Drive Intoxicated

Using a hand-held phone while driving is a major safety hazard at any age. Read the article here.

Booze Often Glorified On YouTube Videos

Kids typically see images that boost the drinking culture, study finds. Read the article here.

Are Teens Replacing Drugs with Social Media?

Today’s teens are a bunch of squares, according to the Monitoring the Future study from Michigan University, which has measured drug and alcohol use among teenagers since 1975. Every year, researchers survey approximately 45,000 eighth, 10th, and 12th graders, and their 2015 results show the lowest percentage of teens using alcohol and drugs since 1990. Read the full article here.

Online Alcohol Marketing Linked to Drinking Among European Teens

Adolescents in Europe may be just as susceptible to online alcohol marketing as their counterparts elsewhere, according to a recent study in four countries that links the ads with kids’ likelihood of drinking and of binge drinking. Read the article here.

Hammered and Heedless: Do Dangerous Drinking Videos Harm Teens?

If your idea of fun is being falling-down drunk, there’s plenty for you on YouTube. Read the article here.

Teens Imitate Risky Behavior Shared Online

High school students whose friends posted photos of drinking and smoking were about 20% more likely to become drinkers or smokers themselves. Read the report here.

Dangerous Viral Trend Threatens Teens: ‘Smoking’ Alcohol

Viral videos of teens inhaling vapors from alcohol threatens teens. Read the article and view the video report here.

Online Bullying Harms Teens

According to a new study in the Journal of Adolescent Health, teens bullied online are more likely than their peers to fall into depression, drug abuse, and Internet addiction. Read the full article here.

Forget Fake IDs: Can Kids Buy Alcohol on eBay?

One teen showed “20/20” how easy it is to buy alcohol online. Read the full article here.