Students Who Take Notes By Hand Have Higher GPA, Remember More Than Those Who Type On Digital Devices
Maybe having iPads and computers become a regular part of the classroom isn’t the best idea after all. Read the article here.
Maybe having iPads and computers become a regular part of the classroom isn’t the best idea after all. Read the article here.
An Australian restaurant came up with a solution for keeping kids off their phones, but it unveils a bigger problem. Read the article here.
Ff we adults are seemingly powerless in the face of such digital temptation, where does that leave our kids? Read the article here.
Having phones used less during the school day increases connections and decreases distractions. Read more here.
Millions of kids have been issued devices for school this year whether they’re learning at home, in-person or a combination of the two. Read the article here.
Teens, more than anyone, need time spent in solitude, where emotions are processed and the brain powers down. Read the article here.
44% said their familial disconnect is a result of their kids logging inordinate amounts of time on their phones during traditional “family time” in the evening. Read the article here.
Six in 10 say they never switch off because they are constantly checking their mobile. Read the article here.
Some Irish teens share their highs and lows about smartphone use. Read the article here.
Our society is addicted to spectacle. How do we keep our eyes are fixed on Christ? Read a review of a new book from Tony Reinke, titled Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age, by clicking here.