Research + News | Topic: Young Adults
Nov 5, 2021
E-Violence Increases Through Early Adolescence But Declines As Teens Become Adults
Electronic dating violence—including electronic harassment, coercion and monitoring—starts increasing in preadolescence but curves as teens reach young adulthood, according to a new University of Michigan study. Read the article here.
Aug 19, 2020
Why The US Military’s Engagement With Gen Z On Twitch Is Increasingly Under Scrutiny
The United States military needs to attract Gen Z, the oldest of whom are now in their late teens and early 20s, so members of the Army and Navy have been meeting their target audience where they live: The video game livestreaming platform Twitch. Read the article here.
Jun 8, 2020
Dating And Relationships In The Digital Age
From distractions to jealousy, how Americans navigate cellphones and social media in their romantic relationships. Read the article and research here.
Mar 5, 2019
Hashtag Missions: How Social Media Is Reshaping Conferences
Gen Z’s digital natives bring followers along for the experience. Read the article here.
Mar 7, 2018
Are Young Adults Growing Tired Of Constant Social Connectivity?
Many are rethinking social media habits. Read the article here.
Sep 13, 2017
Culture Associated With Social Media Can Lead To Inappropriate Posts
Researchers from the University of Plymouth discovered risky social media posts are not just due to impulsivity, but might be a deliberate strategy to fit in with the wider social media culture that makes people believe ‘it’s the right thing to do’. Read the article here.
Jul 27, 2017
Over 1/3 Of Millennials In Relationships Spy On Partners’ Digital Correspondence
Devices—and their contents—are a new path to breakups. Read the report here.
Jul 11, 2017
Gen Z Spends Less Time With Text
It seems that long and short form video is the way to connect with Gen Z. Read the article here.
May 4, 2017
Teens, College Students Favor Snapchat While Gen Z Spends Up To 11 Hours Per Day On Social
It may come as no surprise that Snapchat and Instagram have a solid lead over Facebook when it comes to the frequency that high school and college students use the social media channels, with young Snapchat users checking in at a rate of up to six times per day or more. Read the article here.
Feb 15, 2017
Millennials Eclipse Teens As Worst Drivers On The Road, AAA Study Finds
Rookie teenage drivers have long been seen as the worst motorists on the road, but now there’s evidence that their older cousins – millennials – may be the most reckless people behind the wheel.
Read the article here.