Born 2 B Wired
Presented by Walt Mueller.
Digital natives. . . that’s who our kids are. Unlike us, they’ve been born into a hyper-connected world filled with things like Facebook, social networking, status updates, tweets, texts, touch screens, and blogging. Technology has not only changed the landscape, it’s changing the nature of growing up. . . which in turn is shaping our kids, including the way they think, talk, and act. In fact, it’s changed your kids from the inside out. Today’s children and teens have been born wired and they’re living wired.
The Born 2 B Wired seminar gets you started on a journey to understand what is arguably the most powerful cultural force in today’s youth culture, along with practical and hope-filled biblical responses that will equip you and the kids you love to live Christianly on the digital frontier.
Born 2 B Wired is a fast-paced seminar for parents, youth workers, teachers, pastors, and anyone else who loves kids led by Dr. Walt Mueller, founder and President of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding.
You will learn about. . .
- Essential foundations for how to live on the digital frontier as a follower of Jesus Christ.
- The specific technologies kids are using (mobile phones, the Internet, Social Networking, Gaming, etc.) and why they are drawn to each.
- What life on the digital frontier is doing to our kids. . . how it’s shaping their values, attitudes, and behaviors. . . both the good and the bad. . . what we can celebrate and what should concern us.
- Strategies for life on the digital frontier, including God-honoring practical responses that parents and youth workers can employ.
Born 2 B Wired utilizes audio and video clips throughout the presentation.
Presented in multiple formats that last anywhere from 2 to 6 hours, Born 2 B Wired provides practical information and analysis on kids and technology from a Christian perspective.
Other formats are available and offered for conferences, seminars, retreats, meetings and community programs. To discuss schedule variations, honorariums or to book this seminar, please contact Cliff Frick at the CPYU office.